Friday, October 31, 2008

Doc relief

So, I didn't really do the discovery exercise because I've been using Googdocs for a while now. I've actually relied on it for work-related things twice now. Last month, I interviewed for a full-time position for which they asked me to fill out a pre-interveiw questionaire. I copied the word doc that was e-mailed to me into Googdocs, and went to work. I shared it for editing, and corrections were marked right on my file. Then, Hurricane Ike struck. I was able to complete the document in a new location because it was all saved online, and I even submitted it on time for glowing reviews in my interview. It's a really cool tool. I don't really like the way they organize the documents that you save because it's done by time (docs saved today, yesterday, three years ago), but that's okay. It's both a good and a bad thing that they save everything you ever create, but I'm sure there's a delete option somewhere. (I use it as a notepad for things like recipes I find online, etc.) It's a really cool thing.
It scares me sometime the extent to which Google is starting to take over my life

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