Saturday, September 27, 2008

Thing #9: Oh yeah, I did this too

In settin gup my reader, I subscribed to a few different things. Google reader has neat little subscription boxes that automatically sign you up for a few different feeds. Their News sign-up includes Google News (which I stopped reading some time ago 'cause I didn't like the setup), BBC, NPR, Christain Scienc Monitor (don't ask me), ESPN, and maybe something else. I kept BBC, NPR, and Google. I also added National Geographic. I set up a local news folder for Columbus Business first and Dispatch, and a Library folder for L&P, Tame the Web, and any of y'all participant type people that I might start reading. (I'm fairly certain none of you are reading this, so I don't feel too bad about not having any right now.)
Refer to my prior post if that seems cranky.
I'm tired.

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