Monday, November 17, 2008

#22, MOLDI

MOLDI is the library of the future. While you usually associate moldy with something old and undesirable, unfit for consumption, I think MOLDI is what libraries shall turn into over the next years. The population will become tech- and web-savvy, and they will want to have access to what they're looking for instantly. I did not attempt to download anything because I personally am a Luddite, but I think this is a brilliant service and something that I am glad to have access to through CML. I would like there to be a FAQ section under About Us or Support. I am curious to know how materials are "automatically returned," and how, when you're simply downloading a string of data, something could be "unavailable". The technology, while probably beyond my comprehension, is still something that intrigues me.
I might someday try downloading the eBooks, though I'm not a big fan of PDF files. I don't get much use out of audio files, because I need to focus on what I'm hearing and don't have time to dedicate to doing so. Still, like I said, I think this is a great program and something that's definitely forward-thinking for the library.

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